Siren's Tale Limited Edition Tail Bottle Vodka 750ml

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MSRP: $58.99
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Siren's Tale Limited Edition Tail Bottle Vodka 750ml

Siren's Tale Limited Edition Tail Bottle Vodka is a premium French vodka presented in a distinctive tail-shaped bottle. Crafted from the finest French wheat and purest water, this vodka embodies the pinnacle of French artistry. It is meticulously distilled to achieve a 100% pure spirit with no additives, delivering an unparalleled taste of authenticity.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Delicate and impressive depth on the nose.
  • Palate: Extremely rich and very balanced in flavor.
  • Finish: Perfect, long-lasting finish.

Distillery Information

Siren's Tale Vodka is produced in France, adhering to traditional distillation methods that emphasize purity and quality. The use of premium French wheat and pure water ensures a smooth and refined spirit, reflecting the rich heritage of French vodka craftsmanship.

Additional Information

  • Alcohol Content: 40% ABV (80 Proof)
  • Packaging: Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

This limited-edition vodka offers a refined and authentic tasting experience, making it a prized addition to any spirits collection.

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