SLAMZEES Sour Strawberry Party Drink 187ml

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MSRP: $4.99
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SLAMZEES Sour Strawberry Party Drink 187ml

SLAMZEES Sour Strawberry Party Drink is a ready-to-drink cocktail that transforms the tangy delight of sour strawberry strips into a liquid form. With an alcohol by volume (ABV) of 15%, this beverage offers a bold and flavorful experience, perfect for parties or casual enjoyment.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Inviting scents of ripe strawberries with a hint of tartness.
  • Palate: A harmonious blend of sweet and sour strawberry flavors that make you pucker before melting into strawberry sweetness.
  • Finish: Refreshing and satisfying, leaving a lingering taste of strawberry.

Additional Information

  • Serving Suggestion: Best enjoyed chilled. Shake well before serving.

Whether you're hosting a gathering or looking for a delightful treat, SLAMZEES Sour Strawberry Party Drink offers a flavorful and convenient option to satisfy your taste buds.

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