Tears of Llorona No. 3 Extra Anejo Tequila 1L

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Tears of Llorona No. 3 Extra Anejo Tequila is a rare, small batch, extra anejo Tequila, aged five years in oak barrels that have previously held scotch, sherry, and brandy. This unique triple barreling and extra-long aging creates a complex, layered fusion that is more like a cognac or a very old whiskey, yet it retains clear agave notes. Master Distiller German Gonzalez harvests only high altitude, late season blue agaves from the volcanoes in Jalisco, known for their high sugar content. Called "the Pappy Van Winkle of Tequila" by Food & Wine Magazine and "the tequila that will turn a whiskey lovers head" by The Wall Street Journal.

The initial impression is one of exceptional smoothness, blending vanilla, coffee, chocolate with the distinct but soft agave presence. This is followed by delicate citrus and smoky notes and cinnamon. A velvet gentle combination of sophistication and layered flavor notes. Aged over five years in Spanish brandy, sherry and scotch barrels, Tears delights and surprises tequila aficionados and is especially loved by single malt and craft bourbon drinkers.

86 Proof
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