Teeling 32 Year Old Purple Muscat Single Malt Irish Whiskey 750ml

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Teeling Whiskey has announced its latest limited-edition release - an exquisite 32 Year Old Single Malt Purple Muscat Irish Whiskey finished in a Purple Muscat cask. This rare single cask bottling is an evolution of the award-winning "World's Best" 24, 28, and 30 Year Old Single Malt and continues the legacy of excellence in Irish craftsmanship. Distilled in 1990, matured in Bourbon barrels for 28 years and finished in a single Portuguese Purple Muscat French Oak cask for an additional four years, the result is the first bottling of the Very Rare Casks Collection, available exclusively in the U.S.
  • Nose - Ripe red fruits in caramel, with chocolate walnuts and vanilla cream.
  • Taste - Dried cherries, plums, sultanas, and figs with warm dry wood tannins.
  • Finish - Strong wood spice with a rich, caramel fudge and milk chocolate sweetness.
  • 107.4 Proof
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