Tor Noble ROT Napa Late Havest White Wine 2018 Rated 98CWA 375ml Half Bottle

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California Wine Advisors Review
Rated 98

Rich with orange blossom, creme Brule, honey and marmalade, this golden nectar is so very, very seductive! 2018 TOR Noble Rot is the most exotic (+ opulent) 'California-meets-Sauternes' we've judged in a decade! The luxurious texture coats your palate like a cashmere sweater and the cornucopia of magical flavors include gingersnap cookies, apricot jam, grilled pineapple, and fresh coconut cream pie. The delectable finish impresses with prodigious notes of vanilla cream, ginger tea, and macadamia nuts. (12/2022)

Wine Tasting Notes
This vintage of Tor Noble ROT Napa Late Havest White Wine creates a paradigm between the beloved region of Sauternes and the Napa Valley we call home. Generous notes of dried apricot, tangerine, and orange blossom are complimented by heavy honey and candied ginger. The palate is plentiful yet balanced, with layers of crème brûlee, stone fruit, lemon verbena and a silky texture. The finish creates dichotomy between sweetness and freshness, that leaves you wanting more.

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