Torre Rosazza Pinot Grigio Friuli Colli Orientali DOC 2022

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Tasting Notes for Torre Rosazza Pinot Grigio

Appearance: The wine presents a clear, pale straw-yellow color with slight greenish hues, indicating its freshness and youth.

Nose: On the nose, Torre Rosazza Pinot Grigio is vibrant and aromatic. Initial aromas of green apple and pear dominate, followed by subtle floral notes of white blossoms and a hint of citrus zest. There is also a delicate minerality that adds complexity to the bouquet.

Palate: The palate is light to medium-bodied with a crisp and refreshing acidity. Flavors mirror the nose with green apple, ripe pear, and a touch of lemon. As the wine opens up, nuances of white peach and a gentle almond note emerge, adding depth. The minerality detected on the nose translates into a slight chalkiness on the palate, contributing to a clean and precise finish.

Finish: The finish is clean, dry, and lingering, leaving a pleasant aftertaste of citrus and a hint of white peach. The balance between the fruitiness and acidity makes it a versatile wine, suitable for various pairings.

Food Pairing: This Pinot Grigio pairs beautifully with light dishes such as seafood salad, grilled shrimp, or a simple pasta with olive oil and garlic. It's also an excellent choice to enjoy with soft cheeses and charcuterie boards.

Overall Impression: Torre Rosazza Pinot Grigio is a delightful expression of this varietal, offering a harmonious blend of fruit, floral notes, and minerality. It's an elegant and versatile wine that showcases the quality and finesse typical of the Friuli region.

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