Trejo's Spirits Zero Proof Pink Gin Alternative 750ml

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MSRP: $37.99
— You save $2.00


Trejo's Spirits Zero Proof Pink Gin Alternative

Experience the guilt-free pleasure of Trejo's Spirits Zero Proof Pink Gin Alternative, perfect for enjoying your favorite gin cocktails without the alcohol. This non-alcoholic gin offers a complex aroma featuring red berries, red peppercorns, and subtle cucumber notes. The finish highlights juniper, making it a true gin-inspired delight.

Key Features:
  • Aroma: Red berries, red peppercorns, subtle cucumber
  • Finish: Defining touch of juniper
  • Use: 1:1 replacement for gin in cocktails like G&Ts, Pink Lady's, and Negronis
  • Gluten-Free: Safe for those with celiac disease or gluten-free lifestyles
Raise a glass to hangover-free fun with Trejo's Spirits Zero Proof Pink Gin Alternative. Cheers to guilt-free sipping!
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