Union Uno Joven Mezcal 750ml

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Union Uno Joven Mezcal 750ml

Union Uno Joven Mezcal is an artisanal spirit crafted in Oaxaca, Mexico, blending farm-grown Espadin and wild Cirial agave. This combination results in a mezcal that balances traditional flavors with a modern approach, offering a unique tasting experience.

Tasting Notes

  • Aroma: Sweet and fruity notes of pear and apple, complemented by subtle smoke and herbal undertones.
  • Palate: A harmonious blend of sweet agave, light smoke, and herbal flavors, with hints of mint and wet earth.
  • Finish: Smooth and balanced, leaving a lingering taste of sweet fruit and gentle smoke.

Distillery Information

Produced by a collective of Oaxacan families with generations of mezcal-making expertise, Union Uno emphasizes sustainable practices and fair trade. The mezcal is distilled using traditional methods, including roasting agave in earthen pits and fermenting with natural yeasts, ensuring an authentic and high-quality product.

Additional Information

  • Proof: 80 (40% ABV)
  • Packaging: Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Union Uno Joven Mezcal offers a rich and authentic tasting experience, making it a prized addition to any spirits collection.

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