Viuda de Sanchez Sangrita 1L

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Viuda de Sanchez Sangrita is authentic sangrita from Mexico. It is owned by Casa Cuervo and is by far the best selling sangrita in Mexico. Although it looks like a Bloody Mary Mix, it is much different in taste and ingredients. There are no tomatoes in sangrita; the red color comes from chili de arbol. It refreshes and cleanses the palate after each sip and enhances the taste of your favorite Tequila. The most popular way to consume Viuda de Sanchez is to sip alongside a good tequila and some lime; this is known as a Bandera (Mexican Flag - Green, White Red).
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2 Reviews

  • 5
    Nothing else compares

    Posted by James on Dec 9th 2018

    This is the best Sangrita I've had and I've tried all the ones available on the market. It's made in Mexico and the price is right.

  • 5
    The best Sangrita hands down!

    Posted by Jorge on Oct 26th 2018

    This is the same sangrita we had back in Mexico, it's a must with your favorite tequila!

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