Whitehaven Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc 2023 (New Zealand)

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New Zealand
MSRP: $22.99
— You save $1.00


Wine Tasting Notes
Whitehaven Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc presents a sophisticated, clean, and rich representation of Marlborough. The lively aromatic hints of green apple, grapefruit, and lime zest emerge with each gentle swirl of the glass. The palate is invigoratingly clean and lively, showcasing the traditional Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc flavors of white peach, tropical pineapple, and Meyer lemon citrus, harmoniously blending with subtle touches of freshly-cut green herbs, flowers, and damp stone.

This delectable sip embodies a sense of freshness and accuracy, making it an ideal complement to various dishes. Whether enjoyed on its own or paired with creamy goat cheese, seasonal salads, grilled citrus-infused chicken, or an array of fresh seafood options, this wine is sure to delight.
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