French Red Bordeaux

French Red Bordeaux

  • Petit Manou Medoc

    Petit Manou Medoc 2014

    MSRP: $24.99
    Wine Tasting NotesPetite Manou is the second wine of Clos Manou and is located in the northern Medoc in Saint Christoly de Medoc. This estate produces a garage wine of extraordinary quality, comparable to that of top cru bourgeois, at a reasonable price...
    MSRP: $24.99
  • Chateau Figeac

    Chateau Figeac

    Wine Enthusiast ReviewRated 100#23 TOP 100 CELLAR SELECTIONS 2021With its rich swathe of Cabernet Sauvignon, this wine has density and immense structure balanced by stunning black fruits that give impressive promise. This powerful wine is probably the...
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