

  • Okunomatso Tokubetsu Junmai Sake 720ml

    Okunomatso Tokubetsu Junmai Sake 720ml

    MSRP: $47.99
    Wine Tasting NotesOkunomatso Tokubetsu Junmai Sake shows as clear silvery straw color. Sweet aromas and flavors of honeydew melon, strawberry cream cheese, Asian pear, coconut cake, seasoned seaweed snack, and lemon-lime cordial with a silky, soft,...
    MSRP: $47.99
  • Kurosawa Junmai Kimoto Sake 300ml

    Kurosawa Junmai Kimoto Sake 300ml

    MSRP: $21.99
    Wine Tasting NotesBrilliant emerald straw color. Aromas and flavors of bananas foster, mangoes on a stick with chili powder, and smoked herbs with a satiny, bright, fruity medium body and a warming, amusing, medium-long spiced apples with caramelized...
    MSRP: $21.99
  • Mizubasho Ginjo Sake 720ml

    Mizubasho Ginjo Sake 720ml

    MSRP: $47.99
    Wine Tasting NotesWhite gold color. Fruity aromas and flavors of tropical fruit salad, honeyed apple, tapioca, and anise with a satiny, crisp, fruity medium body and an interesting, medium-length coconut water and spicy baked banana finish. A wonderfully...
    MSRP: $47.99
  • Hakutsuru Plum 720ml

    Hakutsuru Plum 720ml

    Wine Tasting NotesUsing selected Japanese Plum, "Ume", Hakutsuru Plum Wine has been brewed with highly developed fermentation skills and technique. It is characterized by its refreshing semi-sweet, sour taste and well-matured aroma from plum fruit. For...
  • Hana Lychee Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    Hana Lychee Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    MSRP: $14.99
    Wine Tasting NotesLychee was once a favorite fruit of Emperor Li Longis special concubine, Yang Yuhuan in the Tang Dynasty. Hana Lychee sake appeals with aroma that fulfills the palate with the intense flavor of this exotic fruit. The lovely,...
    MSRP: $14.99
  • Fuki Junmai Sake 750ml

    Fuki Junmai Sake 750ml

    MSRP: $12.99
    Wine Tasting NotesThis Junmai sake is made from the finest quality sun-nurtured rice and pure, mineral-rich filtered Japanese well water. It is naturally fermented with rice, water and malted rice, called koji. Fu-Ki Sake enhances the flavor of food by...
    MSRP: $12.99
  • Hou Hou Shu Pink Sparkling Sake 300ml

    Hou Hou Shu Pink Sparkling Sake 300ml

    Wine Tasting NotesHou Hou Shu Pink Sparkling Sake is made exactly the same as Hou Hou Shu, plus the infused addition of rose hips and hibiscus. This pink version, while technically the same as Hou Hou Shu, has a different complexity resembling tea-like...
  • Kikusui Junmai Ginjo Sake 300ml

    Kikusui Junmai Ginjo Sake 300ml

    MSRP: $11.99
    Wine Tasting NotesThis is a light and comfortably dry premium Sake with the aroma of fresh cantaloupe and banana followed by medium body bringing refreshing Mandarin orange like overtones. With just the right amount of body and a comfortable dryness it...
    MSRP: $11.99
  • Hana Fuji Apple Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    Hana Fuji Apple Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    MSRP: $14.99
    Wine Tasting NotesYou will enjoy the flavor of this increasingly popular Japanese fruit. Hana Fuji Apple sake appeals with its fresh aroma that fulfills the palate with the crisp tartness of the fruit. The lovely, lingering finish continues the...
    MSRP: $14.99
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