Woodford Reserve Old Fashioned Cocktail Syrup 2oz

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Woodford Reserve Old Fashioned Cocktail Syrup 2oz

Woodford Reserve's Old Fashioned Cocktail Syrup is crafted to simplify the creation of the classic Old Fashioned cocktail. This premium syrup combines the spice of barrel-aged bitters, aromatics of cherry and orange, and delicate sweetness, complementing the complex and balanced flavor of Woodford Reserve® Bourbon.

Usage Instructions

To craft the perfect Old Fashioned:

  1. In a mixing glass, combine 2 oz. of Woodford Reserve® Bourbon with 0.5 oz. of the Old Fashioned Cocktail Syrup.
  2. Stir the mixture with ice until well-chilled.
  3. Strain over ice into a double Old Fashioned glass.
  4. Garnish with an orange peel.

This syrup streamlines the cocktail-making process, ensuring a balanced and flavorful Old Fashioned every time.

Product Details

  • Volume: 2 fl oz (59 ml)
  • Ingredients: Granulated sugar, distilled water, raw demerara sugar, natural cherry flavor, natural orange extract, natural bitters flavor, lactic acid
  • Storage: Refrigerate after opening

The 2 oz. bottle yields approximately four cocktails, making it a convenient addition to any home bar.

Elevate your cocktail experience with Woodford Reserve's Old Fashioned Cocktail Syrup, delivering consistent and delightful results with minimal effort.

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