Yeyo Day of the Dead Luna Tequila 750ml

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Yeyo Day of the Dead Luna Tequila 750ml

Yeyo Day of the Dead Luna Tequila is a special-edition tequila crafted to honor the traditions and spirit of Dia de los Muertos. Made from 100% blue agave, this tequila captures smooth, rich flavors and celebrates Mexico's vibrant cultural heritage. Ideal for sipping or creative cocktails, it's perfect for any festive occasion.

Tasting Notes:

  • Aromas of roasted agave, citrus, and delicate floral undertones.
  • A smooth palate with flavors of sweet agave, vanilla, and a hint of spice.
  • Subtle notes of pepper and earthiness add depth and complexity.
  • A long, clean finish with lingering agave sweetness and soft citrus.

Additional Information:

  • Proof: 86 (43% ABV)
  • Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Distillery Information: Yeyo Tequila celebrates Mexican heritage with their Day of the Dead editions, honoring the traditions of Dia de los Muertos. The Luna edition embodies the beauty of Mexican craftsmanship, offering an authentic and refined tequila experience to enjoy with family and friends.

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