Yuu Baal Joven Espadin Mezcal 750ml

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Yuu Baal Joven Espadin Mezcal 750ml

Yuu Baal Joven Espadin Mezcal is a vibrant, unaged mezcal made from 100% Espadin agave in Oaxaca, Mexico. Known for its bold, smoky character and pure agave flavor, this mezcal captures the essence of traditional craftsmanship, offering an authentic experience for mezcal enthusiasts.

Tasting Notes:

  • Fresh aromas of roasted agave with hints of smoke and earth.
  • A lively palate featuring flavors of green agave, pepper, and citrus.
  • Subtle notes of minerality and a gentle smoky depth.
  • A clean, crisp finish with lingering smoke and agave sweetness.

Additional Information:

  • Proof: 96 (48% ABV)
  • Please note, this item is not shipped in the original packaging.

Distillery Information: Yuu Baal is committed to producing mezcal using traditional methods that honor the heritage of Oaxaca. The Joven Espadin expression is unaged, allowing the natural flavors of the agave to shine through, making it perfect for sipping or adding a smoky touch to cocktails.

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