12 Bottle Case Zilzie Victoria Cabernet 2023 (Australia) w/ Shipping Included

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MSRP: $268.99
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Wine Tasting Notes
The fruit is the hero that shines through in this fabulously drinkable, crowd pleasing range of amazing quality wines. Specially selected parcels of Cabernet Sauvignon from our own vineyard and some from long term growing partners across Central Victoria were fermented on skins for 7 days to achieve rich color and concentrated flavors. The addition of 7% Merlot fills out the middle palate and brings peppery spice and a long toasty profile. The Zilzie Victoria Cabernet was gently pressed and aged on French oak for 10 months for balance and a sweet toasty finish. Laser sharp fruit with a nose that jumps out of the glass. The beauty is this wine has wonderful structure and backbone that doesn't knock you over, it's classically elegant and deliciously enjoyable.
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