Zubrowka Bison Grass Rye Polish Vodka 1L

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MSRP: $32.99
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Zubrowka Bison Grass Rye Polish Vodka

Product Description

Zubrowka Bison Grass Rye Vodka is a unique and iconic Polish vodka celebrated for its distinct flavor profile. Infused with bison grass, it offers subtle notes of vanilla, coconut, and almond, along with a smooth, creamy texture. The herbal and floral undertones create a refined and memorable drinking experience.

Key Features

  • Aroma: Delicate vanilla, coconut, and almond with a hint of freshly cut grass.
  • Palate: Smooth and creamy, with flavors of vanilla, coconut, and almond, complemented by herbal undertones.
  • Finish: Clean and refreshing, with lingering vanilla and grass notes.

Food Pairings

Zubrowka Bison Grass Vodka pairs wonderfully with light appetizers, smoked fish, and fresh salads. It is also a versatile base for unique cocktails, such as the classic Bison Grass Apple.

History and Distillery

Zubrowka’s history dates back over 600 years. This premium vodka is crafted from high-quality rye and infused with bison grass harvested from the Bia?owie?a Forest, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The bison grass imparts its distinctive flavor and greenish hue. The distillery prides itself on combining traditional methods with modern techniques to produce high-quality vodka.

About Zubrowka

Zubrowka is renowned for its heritage and meticulous craftsmanship. The handpicked bison grass ensures the highest quality, contributing to its status as a premium vodka loved by connoisseurs worldwide.

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