Bar Mixers & Garnishes

Bar Mixers & Garnishes

  • Torani Sugar Free Peach Syrup 750ml

    Torani Sugar Free Peach Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Distinguished by its subtle fragrance and complexity, it has the velvety taste characteristics of ripe peaches without the calories. Sweetened with Splenda. Torani Sugar Free Peach syrup...
  • Torani French Vanilla Syrup 750ml

    Torani French Vanilla Syrup 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.The rich flavor conjures up images of decadent, creamy French Vanilla ice cream or rich vanilla custard. Torani French Vanilla syrup works well in lattes, iced coffees, and teas.
  • Fee Brothers Orange Bitters 5oz.

    Fee Brothers Orange Bitters 5oz.

    This old cocktail ingredient went unnoticed for years, until recently. A new interest in classic cocktails has brought it out of retirement. There are many recipes that call for Orange Bitters, but of most note is the "Classic" Martini. Try a dash in...
  • Stirrings Simple Mojito Mix 25oz

    Stirrings Simple Mojito Mix 25oz

    MSRP: $9.99
    Tasting NotesThis effervescent cocktail was inspired by Havana's vibrant lifestyle in the 1920s. While Hemingway's Cuba is long gone, its spirit lives on in this sweet, sparkling blend of muddled mint, cane sugar, and lime juice. It's extremely versatile...
    MSRP: $9.99
  • Finest Call Margarita Lite Mix 1L

    Finest Call Margarita Lite Mix 1L

    MSRP: $8.99
    Finest Call Lite Margarita Mix contains the perfect blend of lemon juice, lime juice and orange extract with no sugar added and only 5 calories per serving. We are proud to add top shelf Margaritas to the list of options for Low Calorie dieters...
    MSRP: $8.99
  • Herradura Blue Agave Nectar 23.2oz

    Herradura Blue Agave Nectar 23.2oz

    This natural sweetener is an easy replacement for simple syrup, which is used in numerous cocktails, because of its remarkable taste, long shelf life and lower glycemic index, making it a strong alternative to sugar.Agave nectar is a natural sweetener...
  • Rose's Peach Syrup 12oz

    Rose's Peach Syrup 12oz

    MSRP: $6.99
    Rose's Peach Syrup is infused with the delightful taste of ripe, sun-kissed peaches straight from the orchard, making it a convenient way to enhance a wide range of beverages with a burst of fruity flavor. With its ability to evenly distribute its...
    MSRP: $6.99
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