Domestic Rosé

Domestic Rosé

  • FitVine California Dry Rose 750ml

    FitVine California Dry Rose 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesYour body is a temple. And FitVine Rose's body is filled with less sugar, no flavor additives, and full flavor. Aromas of fresh fruit, light and crisp acidity, finished...
  • Bandit California Dry Rose NV 1L

    Bandit California Dry Rose NV 1L

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesBandit Rose is a delicate Syrah-based blend with a lovely pale pink hue. Aromas of white peach and apricot set the stage for a flavorful palate of strawberries and tart...
  • Daou Paso Robles Rose

    Daou Paso Robles Rose 2021 Rated 91WE

    MSRP: $22.99
    Wine Enthusiast ReviewRated 91This wine is a shade of cantaloupe, and that fruit shows on the nose of this bottling alongside ripe apple and bubblegum aromas. There's a firm tension to the palate, where melon flavors are cut by wet stone elements.Wine...
    MSRP: $22.99
  • Bota Box Dry Rose 3L

    Bota Box Dry Rose 3L

    MSRP: $26.99
    Wine Tasting NotesBota Box Dry Rose is not sweet. That's what you get with this Rose - a refreshing, delicately pink wine that offers crisp, dry, perfectly ripe flavors of raspberries, wild strawberries and grapefruit zest. Serve it well chilled.
    MSRP: $26.99
  • Yellow Tail Rose

    Yellow Tail Rose (Australia)

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesThis [yellow tail] Rose is everything a great wine should be - vibrant, refreshing and easy to drink. Crisp and delicate, blossoming with juicy strawberries and cherry...
  • Westerly Happy Canyon Rose

    Westerly Happy Canyon Rose 2017

    MSRP: $15.99
    Wine Tasting NotesToasty aromas of lemon rind, white flowers and a hint of smoke show on the nose of this bottle. The palate is quite broad, ranging from nectarine to citrus, which will please a wide variety of tastes.Cabernet Sauvignon (63%), Malbec...
    MSRP: $15.99
  • Raeburn Russian River Rose

    Raeburn Russian River Rose 2022

    MSRP: $22.99
    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesLight rose in color, Raeburn Russian River Valley Rose begins with light floral and raspberry aromas. The palate is marked with lush flavors of strawberry and guava...
    MSRP: $22.99
  • Hogwash California Rose of Grenache

    Hogwash California Rose of Grenache 2023

    MSRP: $18.99
    Wine Tasting NotesHogwash Rose is salmon-pink in color with fresh and lively aromas of rose, raspberry and citrus zest. Flavors of mandarin, wildflower honey and just ripened peach lightly touch the mouth then recede into a clean and precise finish that...
    MSRP: $18.99
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