Flavored Sake

Flavored Sake

  • Takara Plum Wine US

    Takara Plum Wine US

    MSRP: $11.99
    Takara Plum is a rich, sweet and aromatic plum wine suitable as an aperitif. The plum flavor used for this product is based on "Ume", a special plum cultivated in Japan which is very tart in flavor . It is made from premium white wine with natural plum...
    MSRP: $11.99
  • Kinsen Plum Wine

    Kinsen Plum Wine

    MSRP: $9.99
    Kinsen Plum is sweet with intense summer fruit flavor. Serve it straight or on the rocks, or even as cocktails by mixing with soda, lemon and fruit juice over ice.Alcohol 12% (White wine base)
    MSRP: $9.99
  • Kikkoman Plum Wine US

    Kikkoman Plum Wine US

    MSRP: $10.99
    Wine Tasting NotesKikkoman 100% Plum Wine has pure quality and fruity aroma with provocative taste. The aromatic bouquet and velvet finish lingers elegantly without a flaw. The right complement for any occasion.
    MSRP: $10.99
  • Hakutsuru Plum 720ml

    Hakutsuru Plum 720ml

    Wine Tasting NotesUsing selected Japanese Plum, "Ume", Hakutsuru Plum Wine has been brewed with highly developed fermentation skills and technique. It is characterized by its refreshing semi-sweet, sour taste and well-matured aroma from plum fruit. For...
  • Hana Lychee Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    Hana Lychee Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    MSRP: $14.99
    Wine Tasting NotesLychee was once a favorite fruit of Emperor Li Longis special concubine, Yang Yuhuan in the Tang Dynasty. Hana Lychee sake appeals with aroma that fulfills the palate with the intense flavor of this exotic fruit. The lovely,...
    MSRP: $14.99
  • Fuki Junmai Sake 750ml

    Fuki Junmai Sake 750ml

    MSRP: $12.99
    Wine Tasting NotesThis Junmai sake is made from the finest quality sun-nurtured rice and pure, mineral-rich filtered Japanese well water. It is naturally fermented with rice, water and malted rice, called koji. Fu-Ki Sake enhances the flavor of food by...
    MSRP: $12.99
  • Hana Fuji Apple Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    Hana Fuji Apple Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    MSRP: $14.99
    Wine Tasting NotesYou will enjoy the flavor of this increasingly popular Japanese fruit. Hana Fuji Apple sake appeals with its fresh aroma that fulfills the palate with the crisp tartness of the fruit. The lovely, lingering finish continues the...
    MSRP: $14.99
  • Hana Pineapple Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    Hana Pineapple Flavored Sake (Kosher)

    MSRP: $14.99
    Wine Tasting NotesThe delicious fruit, pineapple - it bursts into your mouth and puckers your tongue with its sweetness and unique flavor. Enjoy a glass of our fruit-flavored sake as the perfect ending to any meal. It's also a fun snack for a weekend...
    MSRP: $14.99
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