

  • HEAVENSAKE Junmai Daiginjo Sake 720ml

    HEAVENSAKE Junmai Daiginjo Sake 720ml

    MSRP: $99.99
    A composition by acclaimed French cellar master, Regis Camus, in collaboration with Japan's most respected sake breweries.NOSE - Delicately floral, grape, apple and lush tropical fruit.FLAVOR - Vibrant, rich and aromatic Early summer pears, wild red...
    MSRP: $99.99
  • Kurosawa Junmai Kimoto Sake 720ml

    Kurosawa Junmai Kimoto Sake 720ml

    MSRP: $33.99
    Wine Tasting NotesBrilliant emerald straw color. Aromas and flavors of bananas foster, mangoes on a stick with chili powder, and smoked herbs with a satiny, bright, fruity medium body and a warming, amusing, medium-long spiced apples with caramelized...
    MSRP: $33.99
  • Gekkeikan Plum Wine Japan

    Gekkeikan Plum Wine Japan

    MSRP: $16.99
    Gekkeikan Plum Wine is made from the choicest plums from Wakayama, Japan. Its subtly sweet, natural plum flavor has just a hint of tartness and is truly delightful. Enjoy chilled, on-the-rocks, in various cocktails or on desserts.
    MSRP: $16.99
  • Kinsen Plum Wine 1.5L

    Kinsen Plum Wine 1.5L

    Kinsen Plum is sweet with intense summer fruit flavor. Serve it straight or on the rocks, or even as cocktails by mixing with soda, lemon and fruit juice over ice.(White wine base) Alcohol 12%
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