

  • Ozeki Dry Fancy Junmai Sake 180ml

    Ozeki Dry Fancy Junmai Sake 180ml

    MSRP: $4.99
    Wine Tasting NotesOzeki Dry Fancy Junmai Sake presents a crisp and fruity taste profile, ideal for consumption when chilled. Its lower alcohol content and smooth flavor make it a perfect option for those new to sake. This versatile sake complements...
    MSRP: $4.99
  • Ozeki Dry Junmai Sake 750ml

    Ozeki Dry Junmai Sake 750ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesOzeki Dry sake is a dry sake with a refreshing fruity flavor and tastes best when served chilled. This is an excellent choice for first time sake drinkers due to its...
  • Seikyo Omachi Junmai Ginjo Sake 720ML

    Seikyo Omachi Junmai Ginjo Sake 720ML

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesOmachi from the neighboring prefecture Okyama, is the oldest sake rice in Japan. Still mainly grown in Okayama, Omachi is popular because the sake brewn with it has a...
  • Seikyo Takehara Junmai Sake 720ML

    Seikyo Takehara Junmai Sake 720ML

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesCharacter: little aroma; somewhat sweet; somewhat full Recommended dishes: oden, sukiyaki, grilled yellowtail and other grilled fish with a somewhat sweet and full taste;...
  • Eiko Fuji Ban Ryu Honjozo Sake 720ML

    Eiko Fuji Ban Ryu Honjozo Sake 720ML

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesBan Ryu means "ten thousand ways." It is an expression used in the sake world to answer the question, in how many ways is one sake different from another. The answer, in...
  • Eiko Fuji Ban Ryu Honjozo Sake 300ml

    Eiko Fuji Ban Ryu Honjozo Sake 300ml

    MSRP: $11.99
    Wine Tasting NotesBan Ryu means "ten thousand ways." It is an expression used in the sake world to answer the question, in how many ways is one sake different from another. The answer, in 10 Thousand Ways: the yeast, the koji, timing of brewing, etc., It...
    MSRP: $11.99
  • Eiko Fuji Honkara Sake 720ML

    Eiko Fuji Honkara Sake 720ML

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesLocated in the Yamagata region of northern Japan, the Fuji Brewing Company was founded in 1778 and is now led by the 13th generation of the Kato family. The Kato's named...
  • Yuki No Bosha Junmai Ginjo Sake 300ml

    Yuki No Bosha Junmai Ginjo Sake 300ml

    The availability of this product is limited and subject to change.Wine Tasting NotesThis junmai daiginjo is light and crisp, with notes of green apple and prune. It should be served chilled but also appreciated at room temperature. Junmai daiginjos tend...
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